20 minutes later, we see them again by the Powerlines. We are trotting north and they were coming south. Engines going, not real loud. We stepped off the trail and watched as they zoomed by, waving to each quad rider again. Indy stood calm like he was a mounted patrol horse watching a parade. 2nd Quad test of engines a little louder zooming by = Pass.
10 minutes later as start our bend out of the Powerlines to the entrance of woods, I hear a loud noise sounding like minibikes. Oh crap. As they come around the bend they see my hand up like I was directing traffic and they stopped. These 2 teenagers were so nice. We walked by them close. "When you see me up there, feel free to take off." I must have been nuts. It was only 50 feet away. but the 3rd test was the big one. We were walking on and then they gave big ZOOMS on the minibikes, as they took off. Indy spooked a little, scared him good, but he calmed right down.....thank God! 3rd Test with the minibikes = Pass, but with some spookiness.
We returned back to our horse farm, and my friends with their thoroughbreds heard the Quads. "Were you okay?", they asked. I replied, "Yea.......thank goodness the thoroughbreds didn't come. They would have been flipping !"
Good boy Indy! Love that horse! I wish we lived closer...I never have anyone to trail ride with!